Diagnosed with Speech Delay: Improving a child’s communication skills.

The Background

The child started with us when he was age 4.5 years old. His parents brought him to Be Me Services as he was not independent with school routines and have low functional communication skills - he had trouble communicating his needs and socilaizing with others. The parents’ goal for their child is to be independent in school and at home. 

The Strategy

We received a diagnosis from a Speech Pathologist that he has Speech delay. We applied differential reinforcement primarily applying positive reinforcement along with shaping strategies. We executed the personalised plan well with an Applied Behavior Specialist and a Registered Behavior Technician. We also involved stakeholders (parents and school teachers) to have consistent progress. One of our tactics was practicing with easy instructions followed by more complex instructions for the child to get used to.

We saw steady improvement in the next 3 months - First month he was able to say words but not consistently, second month he was consistent with short phrase - 2 words (give me, eat apple). In the third month, longer sentences, “I want apple”

The Success

Student started to complete routines in school independently and followed directions given from teachers and peers. The child needed less and less support. This child started 10 hours a week, as he improved, lessons decrease. The parents are so proud of their child and currently we are fading the learning support assistant in school because the student has gained independence with routines in the classroom and generalized participating in all activities in school and home.

Need help?

Please note that improvements vary from frequency of sessions and capability of the student. If you notice that your child is in need of help, please reach out to us for a personalised plan at yvonne@bemeservices.com


Helping a child improve tolerance and communication skills